var isDOM=document.getElementById?1:0; var isIE=document.all?1:0; var isNS4=navigator.appName=='Netscape'&&!isDOM?1:0; var isIE4=isIE&&!isDOM?1:0; var isOp=window.opera?1:0; var isDyn=isDOM||isIE||isNS4; function getRef(id, par) { par=!par?document:(par.navigator?par.document:par); return (isIE ? par.all[id] : (isDOM ? (par.getElementById?par:par.ownerDocument).getElementById(id) : (isNS4 ? par.layers[id] : null))); } function getSty(id, par) { var r=getRef(id, par); return r?(isNS4?; } if (!window.LayerObj) var LayerObj = new Function('id', 'par', 'this.ref=getRef(id, par); this.sty=getSty(id, par); return this'); function getLyr(id, par) { return new LayerObj(id, par) } function LyrFn(fn, fc) { LayerObj.prototype[fn] = new Function('var a=arguments,p=a[0],px=isNS4||isOp?0:"px"; ' + 'with (this) { '+fc+' }'); } LyrFn('x','if (!isNaN(p)) sty.left=p+px; else return parseInt(sty.left)'); LyrFn('y','if (!isNaN(p)); else return parseInt('); LyrFn('vis','sty.visibility=p'); LyrFn('bgColor','if (isNS4) sty.bgColor=p?p:null; ' + 'else sty.background=p?p:"transparent"'); LyrFn('bgImage','if (isNS4) sty.background.src=p?p:null; ' + 'else sty.background=p?"url("+p+")":"transparent"'); LyrFn('clip','if (isNS4) with(sty.clip){left=a[0];top=a[1];right=a[2];bottom=a[3]} ' + 'else sty.clip="rect("+a[1]+"px "+a[2]+"px "+a[3]+"px "+a[0]+"px)" '); LyrFn('write','if (isNS4) with (ref.document){write(p);close()} else ref.innerHTML=p'); LyrFn('alpha','var f=ref.filters,d=(p==null); if (f) {' + 'if (!d&&sty.filter.indexOf("alpha")==-1) sty.filter+=" alpha(opacity="+p+")"; ' + 'else if (f.length&&f.alpha) with(f.alpha){if(d)enabled=false;else{opacity=p;enabled=true}} }' + 'else if (isDOM) sty.MozOpacity=d?"":p+"%"'); function setLyr(lVis, docW, par) { if (!setLyr.seq) setLyr.seq=0; if (!docW) docW=0; var obj = (!par ? (isNS4 ? window : document.body) : (!isNS4 && par.navigator ? par.document.body : par)); var IA='insertAdjacentHTML', AC='appendChild', newID='_js_layer_'+setLyr.seq++; if (obj[IA]) obj[IA]('beforeEnd', '
'); else if (obj[AC]) { var newL=document.createElement('div'); obj[AC](newL);;'absolute'; } else if (isNS4) { var newL=new Layer(docW, obj);; } var lObj=getLyr(newID, par); with (lObj) if (ref) { vis(lVis); x(0); y(0); sty.width=docW+(isNS4?0:'px') } return lObj; } var CSSmode=document.compatMode; CSSmode=(CSSmode&&CSSmode.indexOf('CSS')!=-1)||isDOM&&!isIE||isOp?1:0; if (! var page = { win: window, minW: 0, minH: 0, MS: isIE&&!isOp, db: CSSmode?'documentElement':'body' } page.winW=function() { with (this) return Math.max(minW, MS?win.document[db].clientWidth:win.innerWidth) } page.winH=function() { with (this) return Math.max(minH, MS?win.document[db].clientHeight:win.innerHeight) } page.scrollX=function() { with (this) return MS?win.document[db].scrollLeft:win.pageXOffset } page.scrollY=function() { with (this) return MS?win.document[db].scrollTop:win.pageYOffset } function popOver(mN, iN) { with (this) { clearTimeout(hideTimer); overM = mN; overI = iN; if (iN && this.onmouseover) onmouseover(mN, iN); litOld = litNow; litNow = new Array(); var litM = mN, litI = iN; while(1) { litNow[litM] = litI; if (litM == 'root') break; litI = menu[litM][0].parentItem; litM = menu[litM][0].parentMenu; } var same = true; for (var z in menu) if (litNow[z] != litOld[z]) same = false; if (same) return; clearTimeout(showTimer); for (thisM in menu) with (menu[thisM][0]) { if (!lyr) continue; litI = litNow[thisM]; oldI = litOld[thisM]; if (litI && (litI != oldI)) changeCol(thisM, litI, true); if (oldI && (oldI != litI)) changeCol(thisM, oldI, false); if (litI && !visNow && (thisM != 'root')) { showMenu(thisM); visNow = true; } if (isNaN(litI) && visNow) { hideMenu(thisM); visNow = false; } } nextMenu = ''; if ((menu[mN][iN].type == 'sm:') && !menu[mN][0].subsOnClick) { var targ = menu[mN][iN].href, lyrM = menu[mN][0].lyr; var showStr = 'with ('+myName+') { menu.'+targ+'[0].visNow = true; ' + 'position("'+targ+'"); showMenu("'+targ+'") }'; nextMenu = targ; if (showDelay) showTimer = setTimeout(showStr, showDelay); else eval(showStr); } }} function popOut(mN, iN) { with (this) { if ((mN != overM) || (iN != overI)) return; if (this.onmouseout) onmouseout(mN, iN); var thisI = menu[mN][iN]; if (thisI.href != nextMenu) { clearTimeout(showTimer); nextMenu = ''; } if (hideDelay) { var delay = ((mN == 'root') && (thisI.type != 'sm:')) ? 50 : hideDelay; hideTimer = setTimeout(myName + '.over("root", 0)', delay); } overM = 'root'; overI = 0; }} function popClick(mN, iN) { with (this) { if (this.onclick) onclick(mN, iN); var thisI = menu[mN][iN], hideM = true; with (thisI) switch (type) { case 'sm:': { if (menu[overM][0].subsOnClick) { menu[href][0].visNow = true; position(href); showMenu(href); hideM = false; } break; } case 'js:': { eval(href); break } case '': type = 'window'; default: if (href) eval(type + '.location.href = "' + href + '"'); } if (hideM) over('root', 0); }} function popChangeCol(mN, iN, isOver) { with ([mN][iN]) { if (!lyr || !lyr.ref) return; var col = isOver?overCol:outCol; var bgFn = (col.indexOf('.')==-1) ? 'bgColor' : 'bgImage'; if (isNS4) lyr[bgFn](col); if ((overClass != outClass) || (outBorder != overBorder)) with (lyr) { if (isNS4) write(this.getHTML(mN, iN, isOver)); else { ref.className = (isOver ? overBorder : outBorder); var chl = (isDOM ? ref.childNodes : ref.children) if (chl) for (var i = 0; i < chl.length; i++) chl[i].className = isOver?overClass:outClass; } } if (!isNS4) lyr[bgFn](col); if (outAlpha != overAlpha) lyr.alpha(isOver ? overAlpha : outAlpha); }} function popPosition(posMN) { with (this) { for (mN in menu) { if (posMN && (posMN != mN)) continue; with (menu[mN][0]) { if (!lyr || !lyr.ref || !visNow) continue; var pM, pI, newX = eval(offX), newY = eval(offY); if (mN != 'root') { pM = menu[parentMenu]; pI = pM[parentItem].lyr; if (!pI) continue; } var eP = eval(par); var pW = (eP && eP.navigator ? eP : window); with ( var sX=scrollX(), wX=sX+winW(), sY=scrollY(), wY=winH()+sY; wX = isNaN(wX)||!wX ? 9999 : wX; wY = isNaN(wY)||!wY ? 9999 : wY; if (pM && typeof(offX)=='number') newX = Math.max(sX, Math.min(newX+pM[0].lyr.x()+pI.x(), wX-menuW-(isIE?5:20))); if (pM && typeof(offY)=='number') newY = Math.max(sY, Math.min(newY+pM[0].lyr.y()+pI.y(), wY-menuH-(isIE?5:20))); lyr.x(newX); lyr.y(newY); } } }} function addProps(obj, data, names, addNull) { for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) if(i < data.length || addNull) obj[names[i]] = data[i]; } function ItemStyle() { var names = ['len', 'spacing', 'popInd', 'popPos', 'pad', 'outCol', 'overCol', 'outClass', 'overClass', 'outBorder', 'overBorder', 'outAlpha', 'overAlpha', 'normCursor', 'nullCursor']; addProps(this, arguments, names, true); } function popStartMenu(mName) { with (this) { if (!menu[mName]) { menu[mName] = new Array(); menu[mName][0] = new Object(); } actMenu = menu[mName]; aM = actMenu[0]; actMenu.length = 1; var names = ['isVert', 'isVert', 'offX','offY', 'width', 'itemSty', 'par', 'parentMenu', 'parentItem', 'visNow', 'oncreate', 'subsOnClick']; addProps(aM, arguments, names, true); aM.extraHTML = ''; aM.menuW = aM.menuH = 0; if (!aM.lyr) aM.lyr = null; if (mName == 'root') menu.root[0].oncreate = new Function('this.visNow=true; ' + myName + '.position("root"); this.lyr.vis("visible")'); }} function popAddItem() { with (this) with (actMenu[0]) { var aI = actMenu[actMenu.length] = new Object(); var names = ['text', 'href', 'type', 'itemSty', 'len', 'spacing', 'popInd', 'popPos', 'pad', 'outCol', 'overCol', 'outClass', 'overClass', 'outBorder', 'overBorder', 'outAlpha', 'overAlpha', 'normCursor', 'nullCursor', 'iX', 'iY', 'iW', 'iH', 'lyr']; addProps(aI, arguments, names, true); var iSty = (arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : actMenu[0].itemSty); for (prop in iSty) if (aI[prop]+'' == 'undefined') aI[prop] = iSty[prop]; if (aI.outBorder) { if (isNS4) aI.pad++; } aI.iW = (isVert ? width : aI.len); aI.iH = (isVert ? aI.len : width); var lastGap = (actMenu.length > 2) ? actMenu[actMenu.length - 2].spacing : 0; var spc = ((actMenu.length > 2) && aI.outBorder ? 1 : 0); if (isVert) { menuH += lastGap - spc; aI.iX = 0; aI.iY = menuH; menuW = width; menuH += aI.iH; } else { menuW += lastGap - spc; aI.iX = menuW; aI.iY = 0; menuW += aI.iW; menuH = width; } if (aI.outBorder && CSSmode) { aI.iW -= 2; aI.iH -= 2; } }} function popGetHTML(mN, iN, isOver) { with (this) { var itemStr = ''; with (menu[mN][iN]) { var textClass = (isOver ? overClass : outClass); if ((type == 'sm:') && popInd) { if (isNS4) itemStr += '